The Holidays Are Here!
Let the Festivities begin! I work all weekend, but in my free time this weekend I'm trying to prepare myself for Kenya so that I can enjoy Christmas and not panic about packing! Hopefully I can get everything done by Sunday. I love Christmas for many different reasons, but I love the traditions that come along with it. On Christmas Eve- My family, Mike, and I are going to the Christmas Eve service at church. I have to say that while I'm so glad that I'm at NMC now, I sometimes miss the more traditional Christmas Eve Service at North Main. I'm always reminded of Jim Weldy during this time too. Jim was our worship leader at North Main, and I've grown up with his family. Every year Jim sang "O Holy Night" at the service, and it just didn't seem like Christmas until he sang it. In March of 2004 Jim lost his battle with cancer. But Christmas 2003 proved to be the most memorable for all of us. While that was my first Christmas without Nick, it was also Jim's last Christmas with us. With a patch over one eye because of a protruding tumor, he stepped out of his wheelchair, made his way slowly up the stage, and sang like I had never heard him sing before. Towards the end of the song he grew tired and emotional, and a friend stepped up and helped him finish. To this day I can't hear that song without crying. Jim's memory and legacy lives through that precious song.
On Christmas Day we are having our family's Christmas, followed by my mom's side. The Huber Christmas is a great time for all of us. I love getting together with my family. We are going to the hospital to see my grandpa Mast then, and then I'll be spending Christmas evening with Mike's family. I'm excited for the events of the day. It's finally starting to feel like Christmas to me! Then... The day comes! I leave for Kenya the day after Christmas at noon!
I'll be thinking of all of you during the Holidays! Have a great time with your family!