Last night I spent the night at my parent's house since we got back from Florida so late. This morning I woke up and saw a few pictures on my wall that my mom hung up. These have been hanging up for awhile, but I've never taken the time to really look at them. Well I found two old pictures of Dustin Shaw and I. They are just so cute and it's fun to remember how much we used to hang out. The Shaw's are a second family to me basically. Here's the pictures along with a picture of us from my wedding.
The first two pictures are us in Florida. We were maybe 5 and 6 in the first one? And in the second one we were 13 and 14. I remember taking the second one, because we REALLY put up a fight when it came to taking it. We were at the age where it just wasn't "cool". Ha.
Hi ronmaryhuber marisayichen
2 years ago