Ok, Ok, I joined the bandwagon of blogging. Truth is, I just miss writing. Yes, I have my journal and I love it, but for some reason this is different. So here it is - my thoughts and ramblings as I try and figure out what God's plan is for my life in this world. Some days that plan seems so clear, and others- well, His plan for my life isn't always so crystal clear. I find myself wanting to change directions 100 times while wondering if the path I've chosen is right. So currently where am I heading? One more year of school to obtain my bachelor's (this isn't coming soon enough. I'm so ready to graduate.) I'm working towards a bachelor's in Sociology in attempts to become a Grief Counselor. This has been my passion for over a year now - and I can't imagine a job that I would want more than this. But the path to this career has been anything but smooth and well-guided. This is one of those things that I wonder if I'm choosing the right path. I know that this is something I want to do, but is God using this in His plan for me? I moved back to Nappanee 4 months ago after being away for three years. I thought that this is where God wanted me. But now I'm feeling like a move is in my future. I don't know where or when. But it's just a stirring that I feel in my heart. I do know, however, that I was supposed to be here for a reason. And anyone who has known me well enough for the last 4 months has seen that firsthand. God is definitely at work in me. Sometimes I just wish I was clued in to all of his plans! I know we all feel this way from time to time, and I guess that's why He tells us not to fear, because He does know the plans for us. I believe God has a sense of humor though - and loves to watch us think that we know where our lives are headed.
Well speaking of all that schooling that I'm tired of...it's on to the homework.
Hi ronmaryhuber marisayichen
2 years ago
I loved reading your blog Meesh, and I know if anyone will figure out where they are going in life, it will be you. You moving back home was hard on a lot of us that are still in Indy, but I know you are where you are supposed to be at and I'm very proud of you for that. And you never know, maybe God will move you back to Indy cause He knows that I need you here! :)(just a thought) Just be patient and let God show you His plan! I love you Meesh! *jamie*
I think this new blog thing is a great idea for you Meesh. You are able to express your feelings and emotions with all of us. Your first blog was awesome to read, I cannot wait til you write again. I know its been hard on a lot of us since you've moved back, but if that's where you are supposed to be right now, then that's where you are supposed to be. Just remember that your true friends will be standing behind you no matter what. Even though some times are harder than others. Just follow your heart and God will lead you along the way. I love you so much! <3 Sheena
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