At the end of the show tonight all of the American Idol contestants, along with a choir, got on stage and sang "Shout to the Lord". I stopped what I was doing, looked straight at the tv screen with my mouth hanging open and just thought "they get it!" they really get it! They realized that the real giver, healer, and creater is God. They got it! But then, I have to say I was thoroughly let down when Ben Stiller comes on right after they were done with that song and starts cussing. Of course they bleeped it out, but we all know what he was saying. Yes, he's a comedian. Yes, he was being funny. But also, he ruined a powerful moment. I don't blame him. I blame a country full of people who might not be ready to hear something so powerful.
Hi ronmaryhuber marisayichen
2 years ago
I thought of Kenya also. I love reading about how God has touched your life thru your experience in Kenya. You are such a blessing!
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