I did this on facebook and I thought I would put it on here too. Just something to pass the time...
25 random things about me!
1. I still remember the scariest dream I ever had as a child, even though I've never had it again.
2. My ultimate dream would be for my husband and I to own our own restaurant.
3. I want to adopt a baby boy from Kenya. (Maybe someday they'll have open adoption!)
4. I think of Hesston every single day.
5. Mike and I eat at Chipotle at least once a week.
6. Organizing brings serious satisfaction to my soul. Although sometimes I don't always seem organized.
7. My strongest desire currently is to be pregnant. But all of the realities of life are saying a big fat NO. (don't worry mom, we're waiting).
8. I love really windy days. It makes me smile to stand outside and feel the wind blow.
9. My husband still gives me butterflies.
10. I'm clumsy.
11. I kick myself a lot for not playing softball at Hesston.
12. I wish I would have majored in Nursing. (i wish i was smart enough to major in nursing).
13. I secretly loved waitressing at Amish Acres, and I would go back in a heartbeat.
14. I shed at least one tear almost everyday. Even if nothing is wrong.
15. I married into a wonderful family! I feel as if I've known them my whole life.
16. I'm so blessed with two of the most forgiving parents.
17. I love my extended family. My cousins are some of my best friends.
18. I have a little case of OCD.
19. I love grocery shopping.
20. I broke my rib my freshman year of high school during Powder puff football.
21. Large dogs tend to scare me. Always have.
22. I love love going out to eat. I think it's a social and cultural experience.
23. Everyone says "no regrets", but I've never quite been able to live my life that way. I'll always regret some things.
24. I've never had a single cavity.
25. I don't have a single artistic bone in my body - but I really wish that I did.
Hi ronmaryhuber marisayichen
2 years ago